Welcome to Keep Knoxville Beautiful
At Keep Knoxville Beautiful (KKB), our mission is to inspire and empower Knox County communities to improve their quality of life through beautification and environmental stewardship. We team with dedicated, selfless workers and volunteers to foster a cleaner, greener and more beautiful Knoxville.
For more than 40 years, we have led litter cleanups, environmental education initiatives and much more to beautify and improve our community. Here’s a snapshot of some of KKB’s accomplishments, thanks to the help of our volunteers:
Donate and Help KKB!
We depend on donations from businesses and individuals like you. Your generosity helps us clean up our streets and creeks, get rid of litter, lead environmental education programs and so much more.
Sponsors and Partners
Is your business or organization interested in supporting our work? Contact us and we will send you information, including our sponsorship levels and benefits.