A sustainable summer


Summer is fast approaching-if not basically here already. When it gets hot outside it’s easy to crank up the AC and forget that many of our favorite summer activities have negative consequences. So this summer here are some useful tips and changes to ensure that you’re playing your part.

  1. Water bottles: I’m not sure how much we can stress this enough- buy a reusable water bottle. The summer days get hot and long so we know that you’ll be hydrating yourself like crazy. So with that in mind, if you do not already have a water bottle it’s time to go purchase one! It’ll save massive amounts of plastic because water bottles are overturned at a massive rate daily.

  2. Travel Smart: One great thing about the summer is the amount of traveling that takes place. This year why don’t we pack smarter and lighter. Pack light and consider all alternative transportation options. Make it a fun family vacation by taking the train or reduce your overall footprint by hopping on the bus! You’ll save money and the planet.

  3. Conserve Energy: There are many different ways we can conserve energy this summer. Unplugging appliances when they are not in use or closing the blinds on the side of the house to keep the temperature lower inside the house.

  4. Summer BBQs: There is nothing better than a barbecue during a cool summer night. But this year we need to remember to grill smart. Propane burns much greener and cleaner than charcoal or wood. No matter what you are cooking, cook efficiently to minimize fuel use! Happy barbecuing.

  5. Volunteer: It’s summer and you might have a bit more time on your hands than usually. Why not put it to use? Volunteer for a local clean up event, community garden, and just spend some time giving back. You will feel better and impact the lives of many. Maybe even check out our upcoming events!

  6. Conserve water: It is estimated that a person uses around 80-100 gallons of water a day! There are many simple easy ways to minimize your water usage.

    • store some drinking water in the fridge. It’ll help stop the use of running tap water and keep your water cool.

    • Turn off your water while you brush your teeth, wash your face, or shave. This uses massive amounts of water overtime that can be stopped by simply turning it off!

    • We know the summers are hot, but don’t over water your plants and lawn.

  7. Swap your sunscreen: Summer is a crucial time for sunscreen sales and is used it massive quantities. But a lot of these commercial sunscreen brands contain harmful chemicals like oxybenzone and octinoxate. These chemicals, according to Environmental Health Perspective, contribute to the bleaching of corals. Here is a list of reef-safe sunscreens for you to enjoy this summer.

  8. Try new things: Summer is great time for new experiences. There is nothing wrong with mixing up your daily routines and who knows you might love these simple changes.

    • Eat less meat- the summer is a great time to lower your meat consumption. There is nothing better in the hot sun than grilled vegetables or simple swaps for meat. You don’t have to give up meat completely but just going one day a week without eating meet- you will reduce your footprint by extreme amounts.

    • Bike to work- Summers can be extremely hot but biking to work can get you outside to enjoy the beautiful summer days!

KKB wishes you the best as summer approaches and that you incorporate these different ways to have a sustainable summer into your lives!

Amanda Seale