Sweet for Sustainability

Valentine’s Day has been around for a couple of centuries, but its origin story is still a bit convoluted. Whether the day started as a celebration of Catholic Saints or as a new take on a Pagan fertility festival, the day has come to celebrate our sweet tooth just as much as our romance.

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Amanda Seale
Composting: Heaps of Fun

Most of us have been in that spot where we go to the grocery store and stock up on veggies, only to find a fridge full of spoiled wishful thinking at the end of the week. While food waste is a big deal, what happens (or doesn’t happen) to our food waste when we send it to the landfill might be an even bigger cause for concern.

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Amanda Seale
How the Grinch Greened Christmas

For a lot of people, putting up the Christmas tree is what signals the start of the holiday season. Some households put the tree up before Halloween is over while others will wait it out until Thanksgiving has come and gone. What some people don’t know is that the type of tree means something in terms of sustainability.

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Amanda Seale
Turkey Day

With Halloween behind us, we can now begin to look forward to copious amounts of food consumption, extravagant parades, and the potential for out-of-town relatives.

This month, we’ll be featuring two separate posts covering all things Thanksgiving – starting with the carbon footprint.

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Amanda Seale
Recycling 101

Humans have been recycling and reusing products for a very long time. Only recently did the recycling process start to become convoluted and confusing. For instance, did you know that you can recycle the transparent tops of plastic to-go containers (pictured below), but you cannot recycle the black, also plastic bottom? This is a recent change but one that dramatically impacts how we recycle as consumers as well as what happens to our recyclables after we’ve tossed them in the bin.

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Amanda Seale
From Roadways to Rivers

A recent study conducted by German Scientist, Dr. Andreas Fath and his research team found that the Tennessee River holds one of the highest levels of microplastics ever measured. The researchers were so shocked at the results, they double and triple checked the findings of their study!

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Amanda Seale
A sustainable summer

Summer is fast approaching-if not basically here already. When it gets hot outside it’s easy to crank up the AC and forget that many of our favorite summer activities have negative consequences. So this summer here are some useful tips and changes to ensure that you’re playing your part.

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Amanda Seale
Things to be positive about in 2019!

At KKB we talk a lot about change. Things that we can do to help promote positive changes in the environment and also things we need to change for the future prosperity of our planet. But today we are gonna focus on positive things and highlight amazing things individuals are doing around the globe to help save our planet!

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Amanda Seale
Make your office greener!

Springtime is here and what better way to celebrate then by taking steps to make your office greener! With some of these easy habits and quick changes your company can reduce their footprint and even save some money in the process.

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Amanda Seale
Food Waste + Food Recovery

Around 1.3 billion tons of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally per year. This is equivalent to 200 million African elephants or 13,400 Nimitz Class aircraft carriers.

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Amanda Seale
The 10 year challenge- Earth edition

Individuals are flooding their feeds with their profile picture from 2008 followed by their most recent. Even some celebrities chimed in posting pictures of themselves from ten years ago. Overall the trend is a fun way to take a step back and be thankful for change. But we at KKB would also like to participate in this challenge!

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Amanda Seale
Reduce our Holiday Footprint

The Holidays are an extremely busy time for everyone! So busy that we often forget the massive ecological footprint we are leaving behind! Waste is increased by 25% between Thanksgiving and New Years. That is around 6 million tons of holiday waste being created this season. All of the added food waste, packaging, wrapping paper, ribbons, and more adds up to 1 million tons a week to our landfill. 1 million tons is a lot! How about this year we give the gift of reducing our holiday footprint with these easy ways!

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Amanda Seale
Let's eliminate single-use plastics

Single-Use plastics are only used once before they are thrown away. They litter our beaches and injure our marine life. We produce about 300 million tons of plastic each year and more than half of it can be disposable!

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Amanda Seale
Spring Sustainability

Its springtime in Knoxville which means enjoying the fresh outdoors and doing activities you love in the cool Tennessee air. By making simple changes to our daily lifestyles, we can make a positive impact in our communities and to the environment. Here are four ways to enjoy a more sustainable spring!

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Amanda Seale